• Geometry-driven migration efficiency of autonomous epithelial cell clusters

    Eléonore Vercurysse, David B. Brückner*, Manuel Gómez-González, Alexandre Remson, Marine Luciano, Yohalie Kalukula, Leone Rossetti, Xavier Trepat, Edouard Hannezo and Sylvain Gabriele*

    Nature Physics 1-9 (2024)

  • Highlighted in national newspapers: physics.org, interesting engineering, dhnet.be, Dailyscience.be

  • A possible role for integrin signaling in diffuse axonal injury

    M.A. Hemphill*, B.E. Dabiri*, S. Gabriele*, L. Kerscher, C. Franck, J.A. Goss, P.W. Alford and K.K. Parker*
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    PLoS ONE, 6, E22899 (2011)

  • Highlighted in Nature : Bomb-blast brain injuries explained, Nature News, july 22, 2011, Science: How Blasts Injure the Brain, Science News (july 22, 2011), MIT Technology Reviews: The Mechanics of Blast Injury, Biomedicine (july 22, 2011), HARVARD gazette: New approaches to Traumatic Brain Injuries, Health & Medicine (july 25, 2011), FNRS News Magazine, L’effet de souffle d’une explosion, 87, 28-29 (December 2011), Le Soir (national newspaper), Comment le cerveau explose (sept 20, 2011), La Province, Effet de souffle: UMons et Harvard découvrent (sept 21, 2011), Sciencedaily: Bioengineers identify the cellular mechanisms of TBI, Science News (july 22, 2011), Sciencenewsline (july 22, 2011), e! Science News (july 22, 2011, EurekAlert! (july 22, 2011), Biomechanisms.com (july 24, 2011), Labmate-online.com (july 25, 2011), The Behavorial Medicine Report (july 23, 2011), medicalxpress.com (july 23, 2011), FirstScience.com (july 22, 2011), psypost.org (july 25, 2011), physorg.com (july 23, 2011), ebionews.com (july 25, 2011), etc.

  • Hierarchical wrinkling patterns

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  • On the mechanics of rim instabilities in viscoelastic polymer thin films

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  • Nanorubbing of polythiophene surfaces

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    Journal of the American Chemical Society, 127, 8018-8019 (2005)